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Our goal is complete customer satisfaction through the offer of products and a service in line with customer’s needs and expectations and fully matching the highest quality standards trying to optimise the use of all available resources. At this pourpose, In 2003 it received the 9001:2008 certification, soon after adjusted to the new rule UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

Responding to environmental problem, Trafilerie Pichierri has adopted an environmental management system in order to identify all the aspects of the organization related to the environment by testing and monitoring those which may have a meaningful environmental impact so as to reduce the consequences, making aware and getting involved the whole staff.

In 2003 they obtained the certification 14001:1996 soon after adjusted to the new UNI EN ISO 14001:2004.

en-iso-9901-2008.jpg UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFICATE

en-iso-14001-2004.jpgUNI EN ISO 14001:2004 CERTIFICATE

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